), that it'd be nice for me to find the one that suits me best. Comic book characters have gone through so many incarnations and shifts (not to mention the different media. That's new to me, I've always created my own characters, and I really appreciate the idea of providing my own gloss, read, or variation of a character that I'm going to try and role-play. There's a few games I've encountered in roll20 where you play actual characters from comics.

said: My plan is to start prior to the formation of most of the well-known hero affiliations (X-Men, Avengers, etc.) and make changes to develop an original interpretation of the characters. What really stuck out for me in the post was this: Philip N. I've never played MURPG, though I've played most of the other superhero RPGs around, but I've heard MURPG is easy to pick up and I'm curious how it comes together. We’ll have to wait for either Marvel Games or Skydance New Media to give us more info later.I'm interested. Maybe they’ll even make it a good one this time. This sounds like it could be another attempt at an Avengers game. The only thing we have to go on about this new AAA game is the genre. It’s an honor to be able to tell an original story with all the humanity, complexity, and humor that makes Marvel characters so enduring and to enable our players to embody these heroes that they love.” Amy Hennig, President, Skydance New Media The Marvel Universe epitomizes all the action, mystery and thrills of the pulp adventure genre that I adore and lends itself perfectly to an interactive experience.

“I can’t imagine a better partner than Marvel for our first game. It’s not like they’d have a release date for this new AAA game or anything like that. I mean, they’ve only just announced their team-up. Their mission? To develop a new “narrative-driven, blockbuster action-adventure game, featuring a completely original story and take on the Marvel Universe”.
Marvel announces that their Marvel Games division is assembling with Skydance New Media. Hmm, perhaps we might finally get a good Avengers game?